SenderSMS manual

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SenderSMS is a application for serial SMS messages sending using Slican PBXes. Its main purpose is providing efficent SMS communication between contractors and clients, for marketing purposes or as information center for patients, students or notification centers (agencies, authorities, security bureaus).

Application is design for one-stand work with possibility of network cooperation (shared database) with some limitations. In case of multi-stands, each user needs to be assigned to a individual GSM module. It's a matter of one connection session, uptimed by PBX.


SenderSMS works with 6.22 firmware version or higher.

Minimal requirements

  • 800MHz processor,
  • 1GB RAM or higher,
  • WindowsXP SP2 or newer.

Application features

  • Adding contacts or contact groups,
  • Messages templates (private, public),
  • Personalization of messages, based on contacts fields,
  • Automatic contact registration/deregistration with sent SMS message,
  • "Flash" type messages,
  • History of sent/received messages, along with delivery report,
  • Numbers blacklist,
  • Contacts import/export,
  • Multi-level application access (admin, manager, operating personel),
  • Multi GSM modules handling.

Application installation

SenderSMS work is licenced, and requires to purchase proper licence key. It describes GSM modules quantity for handling by application. Install file can be downloaded from Slican's website and executed on users PC, for typing required connection data.

First Run Wizard

At first application run, a Wizard is started for creation a admin account (not deletable) and configuring:

  • connection with PBX,
  • GSM modules for application use configuring,
  • SMS and account global parameters configuring,
  • GSM modules assigning by administrator.

Wizard has seven steps for initial configuration:

Sender wizard 1.png

- STEP 1: SenderSMS wizard window.

Sender wizard 2.png

- STEP 2: in PABX IP address we define PBX's controller card IP address, ID and PIN fields needs to be filled accoring to fields from ConfigMAN (Trunks/GSM settings).

Sender wizard 3.png

- STEP 3: Admin information configuration.

Sender wizard 4.png

- STEP 4: GSM module(s) selection for administrator.

Sender wizard 5.png

- STEP 5: SMS settings window.

Sender wizard 6.png

- STEP 6: Country prefix according to application use location.

Sender wizard 7.png

- STEP 7: Settings summary.

System configuration

Contacts and groups configuration


Adding contacts is done by choosing Contacts tab and record configuration.

Sender contact add.png

Sender contact 1.pngSender contact 2.png
  • definition of contact dana such as: Name, Last name, GSM number, group membership and title
  • definition of contact's additional data: address, description

In field Belongs to group we can assigned configured contact to group(s). Sending messages is possible only to contacts, with Active box checked.


This feature allows to group contacts. There is on not deletable group called "Everyone" which contains all created contacts. Depending on global settings, group can be assigned with codes for automatic registering/unregistering to group for contacts (with SMS message).Therefore, dynamic groups can be created in one system.

Sender group.png
  • definition of a group name
  • assigning activation/deactivation code to group

System users configuration

In "Operators" tab we can add another system users with giving them proper priviledges. First account was created during First Run Wizard. Temporary password for a new user will have to be changed suring first user log in into application.

Sender operator.png

Priviledged field values:

  • None
  • Manager
  • Staff

Priviledges dependence


  • adding/deleting operators,
  • access to global settings,
  • access to local settings,
  • personalization of messages based on contact data,
  • Blacklist configuration,
  • creating contacts, groups, templates,
  • sending messages to unlimited quantity of groups and contacts,
  • sending messages to unlimited quantity of manually typed GSM numbers,
  • scrolling through SMS history and reports,
  • data export to .csv file
  • contacts import from .csv file.


  • adding/deleting operators,
  • access to local settings,
  • creating contacts, groups, templates,
  • personalization of messages based on contact data,
  • sending messages to unlimited quantity of groups and contacts,
  • sending messages to unlimited quantity of manually typed GSM numbers,
  • scrolling through SMS history and reports,
  • data export to .csv file
  • contacts import from .csv file.


  • access to local settings,
  • personalization of messages based on contact data,
  • sending messages to unlimited quantity of groups and contacts,
  • scrolling through sent SMS history.

Administrator settings

Sender settings 1.png
Sender settings 2.png

Messages type values

  • Normal
  • Flash

Message validity values

  • Five minutes
  • Quarter of an hour
  • Half hour
  • One hour
  • Six hours
  • One day
  • Three days
  • One week
  • Maximum time

Keep messages not older than values:

  • Without limits
  • One month
  • Three months
  • Half a year
  • Year
  • Two years
  • Three years
  • Five years

Prefix blacklist

Sender blacklist.png


In Blacklist tab we define prefixes than will be restricted for outgoing messagess traffic.

Sending messages

Main feature in SenderSMS is possibility to sent messages for specified quantity of GSM numbers.

Sender main.png

Only manually sending is possible in application. Sending will be available only after filling Content field, and when connection with PBX is established. Maximum message length is set to 160 characters. Longer messages will be divided into two SMS with same ID (receiver will receive one SMS message).

Receiver list can be created in several ways:

  • 1 By group choosing
Sender group add.png
  • 2 By specified contacts choosing
Sender contacts add.png
  • 3 Receiver list can be supplemented with another records divided with , character.
Sender contacts manual.png

Messages templates

In case of repeating the Content of message sent, we can add a template. There are public and private templates. Private templates are visible only for oerator who created it. Each template can be personalized with proper characters, from Add field option, eg.:


"{Title}{First name} is requested for contact." will be replaced with data in contact: "Mr. John is requested for contact."

- creating a template

Sender template 1.png

- additional message customization

Sender template 2.png

Data export

Application allows to export data to .csv file with configured separator. Possible export data: contacts, sent messages, received messages, reports.

Step 1 Choose data to export.

Sender export 1.png

Step 2 Export parameters.

Sender export 2.png

Step 3 Data export progress.

Sender export 3.png

Data import

Import from .csv file is possible:

Sender import 1.png
Sender import 2.png
Sender import 3.png

Shared work

Database can be shared by locating it on server storage.


Używanie aplikacji wymaga wprowadzenia licencji "MaxTrial" lub "SMS"(Ilość bramek GSM dla SenderSMS) z poziomu programu ConfigMAN. Poza tym należy udostępnić bramkę GSM aplikacji SenderSMS konfigurując pole SMSStat w arkuszu Translacje/Ustawienia GSM.