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<center><big>[[BillingMAN_Instruction_manual#Contents |Slican BillingMAN Instruction manual]]</big>.</center>
<center><big>[[BillingMAN_Instruction_manual#Contents |Slican BillingMAN Instruction manual]]</big>.</center>
{{warning|Because this instruction manual concerns BillingMAN version 2.16, which is now only in Polish, screenshots in instruction manual are in Polish or from English version 2.15. Also link to downloading BillingMAN redirect reader to Polish version of BillingMAN.}}<br>
'''BillingMAN''' is application for maintaining following tasks:
'''BillingMAN''' is application for maintaining following tasks:
Line 17: Line 17:
Application is suitable for following Slican servers<ref name="old_pbx">BillingMAN application starting from version 2.16 doesn't operate with PBXes CCA-2720 and NCT-1248</ref>:
Application is suitable for following Slican servers<ref name="old_pbx">BillingMAN application starting from version 2.16 doesn't operate with PBXes CCA-2720 and NCT-1248</ref>:
* [[MAC-6400_Informacje |MAC-6400, MAC-ZERO]],  
* [[MAC-6400 Information |MAC-6400, MAC-ZERO]],  
* [[CCT-1668_informacje |CCT-1668]],  
* [[CCT-1668 - information |CCT-1668]],  
* [[CXS-0424_informacje |CXS-0424]].
* [[CXS-0424 - information |CXS-0424]].
==BillingMAN features==
==BillingMAN features==
* Calculating call charges according:
* Calculating call charges according:
** amounts calculated by provider,
** amounts calculated by provider,
** price lists from BillingMAN application (Recharging) or
** price lists from BillingMAN application (recounting) or
** pulses received from PBX.
** pulses received from PBX.
* Precise dividing costs between subscriber or subscriber groups (departments).
* Precise dividing costs between subscriber or subscriber groups (departments).
Line 29: Line 29:
* Possibility of cover up whole number or its part.
* Possibility of cover up whole number or its part.
* Possibility of calculating additional call costs.
* Possibility of calculating additional call costs.
* Możliwość exportu danych do Excel’a (*.csv) i [http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/9.x/9.3/pl_PL/AdbeRdr930_pl_PL.exe AdobeReader] (*.pdf).
* Possibility of export data to Excel (*.csv) or AdobeReader (*.pdf).
* Możliwość analizy połączeń na podstawie stref zdefiniowanych przez użytkownika.  
* Possibility of call analisys according areas defined by user.  
* Praca na danych bieżących i archiwalnych.
* Working on current or archive data.
* Możliwość tworzenia szablonów raportu.
* Possibility of creating reports.
* Pobieranie komentarzy z arkuszy centrali.
* Downloading comments from PBX database.
==Maintained charging types==
==Maintained charging types==
Aplikacja obsługuje następujące rodzaje taryfikacji połączeń:
Application can maintain following charging types:
* Podawane przez operatora:
* Received from provider:
** Impulsowe (Teletaksa, AoC)
** Pulse(Teletax, AoC)
* Podawane przez centralę Slican:
* Received from Slican PBX:
** Impulsowe
** Pulse
** Kwotowe (sekundowe lub impulsowe)
** Ammount(second or pulse)
* Retaryfikowane na podstawie rekordów pobranych z centrali.
* Recounted according records downloaded from PBX.
System realizuje również:
System can also:
* rozliczanie połączeń z marżą naliczaną za połączenia przez właściciela centrali
* calculate cost of calls including additional call cost
* obliczanie kosztów połączeń z opłatą wstępną.
* calculate cost of calls including initial cost.
W systemie BillingMAN umożliwiono poprawne rozliczanie połączeń w przypadku gdy w trakcie trwania okresu obliczeniowego nastąpiła zmiana taryf w cenniku operatora.
In BillingMAN system it is possible to calculate call costs if during calculation period provider price list was changed.
=Downloading and installation of application=
=Downloading and installation of application=
Aplikacja dostępna na stronie [http://slican.pl/oferta/download.php?id=1079012019 strony internetowej Slican]
Application is available on [http://slican.com/download_en.php?id=1138969001 Slican web page]
==Minimal requirements==
==Minimal requirements==
System – Windows95, procesor Pentium – 300 MHz pamięć RAM – 64MB, Rozdzielczość ekranu 800x600
Operating System – Windows95, Procesor Pentium – 300 MHz, Memory RAM – 64MB, Screen resolution 800x600
Uwaga: W przypadku przetwarzania dużych danych czas ich obróbki zależy od wydajności i szybkości komputera.
Attention: While working over files with many charging data, working time depends on PC performance.
==Application instalation==
==Application instalation==
Proces instalacji wymaga jedynie zatwierdzenia opcji programu.  
Installation process requires only application options confirmation.  
Po instalacji zostanie utworzona w menu START –> PROGRAMY folder Slican ze skrótem do BillingMAN’a.  
After installation, in menu START –> All Programs, a folder Slican with shortcut to BillingMAN will be created.  
Program wraz ze wszystkimi niezbędnymi do pracy plikami umieszczony zostanie w folderze:
Application together with all necessarily files will be locate in following folder:
* Windows 98, Windows XP Windows Vista: C:\Program Files\Slican\BillingMAN
* Windows 98, Windows XP Windows Vista: C:\Program Files\Slican\BillingMAN
* Windows 7 C:\Program Files (x86)\Slican\BillingMAN
* Windows 7 C:\Program Files (x86)\Slican\BillingMAN
Baza danych billingowych - domyślnie zlokalizowana jest w folderze '''pabx data\default'''<ref name="BM_data_path">Lokalizacja ścieżki zależna jest od używanego systemu operacyjnego.</ref>
Charging database - by default located in folder '''pabx data\default'''<ref name="BM_data_path">Location depends on used operating system.</ref>
=[[Instrukcja_Obsługi_BillingMAN_start |First application launching]]=
=[[BillingMAN_Instruction_Manual_Start |First application launching]]=
==Charging method setting==
==Charging method setting==
|Aby ustawić sposób naliczania opłat należy menu wybrać '''Tabele&rarr;Opcje Kosztów'''.
|To set charging method option '''Tables&rarr;Cost options''' should be selected from menu.
===Recharging - [[Instrukcja_Obsługi_BillingMAN_Retaryfikacja |Calculating fees according data defined in BillingMAN.]]===
===Recounting - Calculating fees according data defined in BillingMAN===
Naliczanie kosztów realizowane będzie na podstawie rekordów billingowych pobranych z centrali i [[Instrukcja_Obsługi_BillingMAN_Retaryfikacja |tabel taryf programu BillingMAN]]. Po pobraniu danych z centrali, aplikacja musi naliczyć koszty tj.: wykonać retaryfikację. W cenralach z dużą ilością połączeń może być to operacja zajmująca dużo czasu.
Cost calculation is performed upon the charging records downloaded from PBX and tariff tables in BillingMAN application. After downloading charging data from PBX, application has to calculate costs so: performs recounting. In PBXes with huge number of calls this operation can coninues for a long time.
===Calculating fees according pulses from provider===
===Calculating fees according pulses from provider===
Obecnie rzadko stosowany sposób taryfikacji, ze względu na fakt nie stosowania obecnie, przez operatorów, taryfikacji impulsowej.
Currently it is rare used charging method, because providers don't use now pulse charging.
===Calculating fees by PBX - default and recommended option===  
===Calculating fees by PBX - default and recommended option===  
Centrala przesyła gotowe otaryfikowane rekordy billingowe do programu BillingMAN.<ref name="bill">Warunkiem poprawnego działania opcji jest poprawne ustawienie taryf/opłat w centrali.</ref>. <u>Wybór tej metody naliczania - jest zalecany.</u> Od razu po pobraniu można generować [[Instrukcja_Obsługi_BillingMAN_Raporty |Raporty]] lub wykonywać [[Instrukcja_Obsługi_BillingMAN_Analiza |Analizy]]. Bez konieczności retaryfikacji.
PBX sends recounted charging records to BillingMAN application.<ref name="bill">Condition of proper option operating is proper tarif/csetting in PBX.</ref>. <u>Selection of this charging method is recommended.</u> Just after downloading date [[BillingMAN Instruction Manual Raports |reports]] can be generated or [[BillingMAN Instruction Manual Analysis |analisys]] performed. THere is no need to recount.
||[[Plik:Opcje Kosztów.png]]
||[[File:Cost options.PNG]]
==[[Instrukcja_Obsługi_BillingMAN_Poziomy dostępu |Application access levels]]==
==[[BillingMAN Instruction manual Access levels|Application access levels]]==
==[[BillingMAN_Instruction_Manual_Updating |PBX configuration updating options]]==
==[[BillingMAN_Instruction_Manual_Updating |PBX configuration updating options]]==
Line 89: Line 89:
==[[BillingMAN_Instruction_Manual_Archive |Data archiving]]==
==[[BillingMAN_Instruction_Manual_Archive |Data archiving]]==
=[[BillingMAN_Instruction_Mnual_Raports |Raports - Generating settlements]]=
=[[BillingMAN_Instruction_Manual_Raports |Raports - Generating settlements]]=
=[[BillingMAN_Instruction_Manual_Analisys |Analisys - option available in BillingMAN.plus]]=
=[[BillingMAN_Instruction_Manual_Analysis |Analisys - option available in BillingMAN.plus]]=

Latest revision as of 11:02, 17 January 2012

Slican BillingMAN

BillingMAN Splash screen.PNG

Slican BillingMAN Instruction manual.

Warning! Because this instruction manual concerns BillingMAN version 2.16, which is now only in Polish, screenshots in instruction manual are in Polish or from English version 2.15. Also link to downloading BillingMAN redirect reader to Polish version of BillingMAN.


BillingMAN is application for maintaining following tasks:

  • calculationg costs of calls and SMSes generated by PBX subscribers,
  • analisys of mentioned above costs,
  • subscriber working time analisys:
    • Telemarketers
    • Servicemen
    • Trade Department members etc.
  • customer maintenance level analisys (time of waiting for consultation, consultation time etc.).

Application is suitable for following Slican servers[1]:

BillingMAN features

  • Calculating call charges according:
    • amounts calculated by provider,
    • price lists from BillingMAN application (recounting) or
    • pulses received from PBX.
  • Precise dividing costs between subscriber or subscriber groups (departments).
  • Possibility of incoming calls analisys.
  • Possibility of cover up whole number or its part.
  • Possibility of calculating additional call costs.
  • Possibility of export data to Excel (*.csv) or AdobeReader (*.pdf).
  • Possibility of call analisys according areas defined by user.
  • Working on current or archive data.
  • Possibility of creating reports.
  • Downloading comments from PBX database.

Maintained charging types

Application can maintain following charging types:

  • Received from provider:
    • Pulse(Teletax, AoC)
  • Received from Slican PBX:
    • Pulse
    • Ammount(second or pulse)
  • Recounted according records downloaded from PBX.

System can also:

  • calculate cost of calls including additional call cost
  • calculate cost of calls including initial cost.

In BillingMAN system it is possible to calculate call costs if during calculation period provider price list was changed.

Downloading and installation of application

Application is available on Slican web page

Minimal requirements

Operating System – Windows95, Procesor Pentium – 300 MHz, Memory RAM – 64MB, Screen resolution 800x600 Attention: While working over files with many charging data, working time depends on PC performance.

Application instalation

Installation process requires only application options confirmation. After installation, in menu START –> All Programs, a folder Slican with shortcut to BillingMAN will be created. Application together with all necessarily files will be locate in following folder:

  • Windows 98, Windows XP Windows Vista: C:\Program Files\Slican\BillingMAN
  • Windows 7 C:\Program Files (x86)\Slican\BillingMAN

Charging database - by default located in folder pabx data\default[2]

First application launching

Charging method setting

To set charging method option Tables→Cost options should be selected from menu.

Recounting - Calculating fees according data defined in BillingMAN

Cost calculation is performed upon the charging records downloaded from PBX and tariff tables in BillingMAN application. After downloading charging data from PBX, application has to calculate costs so: performs recounting. In PBXes with huge number of calls this operation can coninues for a long time.

Calculating fees according pulses from provider

Currently it is rare used charging method, because providers don't use now pulse charging.

Calculating fees by PBX - default and recommended option

PBX sends recounted charging records to BillingMAN application.[3]. Selection of this charging method is recommended. Just after downloading date reports can be generated or analisys performed. THere is no need to recount.

Cost options.PNG

Application access levels

PBX configuration updating options

Data archiving

Raports - Generating settlements

Analisys - option available in BillingMAN.plus


  1. Jump up BillingMAN application starting from version 2.16 doesn't operate with PBXes CCA-2720 and NCT-1248
  2. Jump up Location depends on used operating system.
  3. Jump up Condition of proper option operating is proper tarif/csetting in PBX.