CTS-220.IP-GNM Operating modes
Microphone call station apart from handling ordinary telephone connections, can operate in one of 3 modes::
- microphone mode: mic mode - with use of external microphone - "gooseneck"
- talking mode: simplex, duplex - ordinary conversation with possibility of switching to simplex mode. Using phone handset or microphone and loudspeaker of housing (hands-free)
- intercom mode: simplex talking - ordinary conversation with possibility of switching to simplex mode using so called "tangent". Using phone handset or microphone and loudspeaker of housing (hands-free)
Microphone mode: MIC MODE
Basic mode for which microphone call station is designed. Making calls directly to AUD.IP device - AMP10 (active loudspeaker or Slican column) or zone (group of AUD.IP devices) - in order to makindg messages. It is also possible to make connections in simplex mode from microphone call station to telephones and doorphones and vice versa.

Basic Features:
- use external "gooseneck" microphone
- listening through built-in CTS loudspeaker
- navigation with HEADSET, CALL END keys
- microphone sensitivity adjustment - in transmission mode - VOL+ and VOL-
- loudspeaker volume control - in listening mode - VOL+ and VOL-
- transmitting and listening in SIMPLEX mode
- connection monitoring by means of information on call station display
- information gong on AUD.IP - AMP10 devices (active loudspeaker or Slican column) at start and end of making message
Principle of operation:
Dialing device number AUD.IP - AMP10, then press HEADSET button
- call is made in SIMPLEX mode, with an active "gooseneck" microphone,
- on Microphone call station for 30 seconds, "transmission mode" is activated, on its display you can see word "Broadcasting", graphical sensitivity level of microphone (adjustable VOL+ and VOL-) and elapsed time,
- on selected AMP10 devices, music is muted, information gong sounds, message can be announced via microphone,
- if message is longer than 30 seconds, you can prolong its announcement by pressing HEADSET button again,
- after end of message, press CALL END, microphone call station switches to listening mode, with possibility of adjusting speaker level (VOL+ and VOL-)
- we repeat message by pressing HEADSET or we force end of call by pressing CALL END again.
Talking mode: DUPLEX, SIMPLEX
Implementation of ordinary phone connections in duplex mode with possibility of switching to simplex mode during call and vice versa. Functionality is to ensure correct communication with devices whose anti-local system does not work properly, e.g. with Slican AUD.IP - AMP10 loudspeakers, doorphones and radio stations. External microphone ("gooseneck") is not supported in this mode. Pressing HEADSET button will switch to external microphone mode - MIC MODE.
Basic Features:
- use of handset microphone or housing microphone
- listening with handset or built-in, housing loudspeaker
- DUPLEX mode - ordinary phone call
- SIMPLEX mode - connections with doorphones, IP Slican loudspeakers, radio stations
- MUTE - SIMPLEX <-> DUPLEX conversation mode switch
- navigation with SPK_ON, CALL END keys
- microphone sensitivity adjustment - in transmission mode - VOL+ and VOL-
- housing loudspeaker volume control - in listening mode - VOL+ and VOL-
- connection monitoring by means of information on phone display
Principle of operation:
Dialing device number - phone or doorphone - then picking up telephone handset or pressing SPK_ON button
- call is established in duplex mode - default state after establishing connection with any terminal
- switching to SIMPLEX mode - press MUTE button, which will turn off microphone (MUTE is on)
- switching to SIMPLEX - LISTEN mode - turns on microphone of terminal device or radio for listening. Press SPK_ON once (SPK_ON is blinking, CALL END is on, MUTE is on), display shows "LISTENING"
- switching to SIMPLEX - TRANSMISSION mode - transmits signal to end device or multiple devices. Press SPK_ON again (SPK_ON blinks, CALL END lights, MUTE goes off), display shows "SENDING" and time elapsed - from 30 sec. Transmission can be extended by 30 seconds. by pressing SPK_ON again.
- switching between SIMPLEX-SEND - SIMPLEX-LISTEN modes and vice versa using the SPK_ON, CALL END buttons
- return to DUPLEX mode - using MUTE button
- disconnecting call - by pressing CALL END button or hanging up handset
Intercom mode: SIMPLEX TALKING
In this mode, both sides of conversation are listening. After pressing "tangent" button, microphone is turned on and person on phone speaks message on other side. When message is over, person on phone releases "tangent" button. SPK_ON button performs function of "tangent" button on Microphone call station. External microphone ("gooseneck") is not supported in this mode. Pressing HEADSET button will switch to external microphone mode - MIC MODE.
Given mode differs from SIMPLEX mode in that SPK_ON button is pressed all time during transmission of messages - transmission time is not limited to 30 seconds, only until button is released.
Basic Features:
- use of handset microphone or housing microphone
- listening with handset or housing built-in loudspeaker
- DUPLEX mode - ordinary phone call
- SIMPLEX TALKING mode - connections with phones, doorphones, IP Slican speakers, radio stations
- MUTE - SIMPLEX <-> DUPLEX conversation mode switch
- navigation with SPK_ON, CALL END keys
- microphone sensitivity adjustment - in transmission mode - VOL+ and VOL-
- loudspeaker volume control - in listening mode - VOL+ and VOL-
- connection monitoring by means of information on display phone
Principle of operation:
Dialing device number - telephone or doorphone - then picking up telephone handset or pressing SPK_ON button
- call is established in DUPLEX mode - default state after connection is established with any terminal
- switch to SIMPLEX mode - press MUTE button, which will turn off microphone (MUTE is on)
- switching to SIMPLEX - LISTENING mode - turns on microphone of terminal device or radio for listening. Press SPK_ON (SPK_ON is blinking, SPK_OFF is on, MUTE is on), display shows "LISTENING"
- switching to SIMPLEX - TRANSMISSION mode - transmits signal to end device or multiple devices. Press and hold SPK_ON button for duration of speech (SPK_ON blinks, CALL END lights, MUTE goes off), display shows "SENDING"
- switching between SIMPLEX-SEND - SIMPLEX-LISTEN modes and vice versa by pressing and holding or releasing SPK_ON button
- return to DUPLEX mode - using MUTE button
- disconnecting call - by pressing CALL END button or hanging up handset