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(Options All FXO's/All IPO's)
(Examples of configuration using Outgoing calls scenario)
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===Options All FXO's/All IPO's===
===Options All FXO's/All IPO's===
* Seizing lines for option All FXO's: LiniaPOTS 41->LiniaPOTS 42->LiniaPOTS41 itp....zajmowanie naprzemienne. Można również używać jeśli jest podłączona tylko jedna linia.
* Seizing lines for option All FXO's: Line 41->Line 42->Line 41 etc....seized cyclically. It can be also used if only one line is connected.
* Seizing lines for option All IPO's: LiniaIP 51->LiniaIP 52->LiniaIP 53->LiniaIP 54->LiniaIP 51 itp....czyli następna po ostatnio zajętej.
* Seizing lines for option All IPO's: IPLine 51->IPLine 52->IPLine 53->IPLine 54->IPLine 55->IPLine 56->IPLine 51 etc....so next after lastly occupied.
===Examples of configuration using ''Outgoing calls'' scenario===
===Examples of configuration using ''Outgoing calls'' scenario===
!{{Hl2}}| Lp.!!{{Hl2}}| Wymagania / Założenia!!{{Hl2}}| Jak to zrobić ? Wygląd zawartości panelu: Ruch wychodzący
!{{Hl2}}| No!!{{Hl2}}| Requirements/ Assumptions!!{{Hl2}}| How to do it? Outgoing rule pane view
|1.||Wszystkie połączenia mają wychodzić w kolejności przez:  
|1.||All outgoing calls are routed via outgoing lines in following order:  
# Linie IP (IPO)
# IPLines (IPO)
# LiniePOTS (FXO)
# POTSLines (FXO)
||[[File:LCR - IPO - FXO.png]]
|2.||Wszystkie połączenia mają wychodzić jak w '''przykładzie 1''' za wyjątkiem połączeń:
|2.||All outgoing calls are routed as in '''example 1''' except following calls:
# alarmowych
# alarm
# bezpłatnych
# free of charge
||[[File:ITS LCR - IPO - FXO plus darmowe po FXO.png]]
|3.||'''Biuro w domu''' z faksem i modemem.
|3.||'''Office at home''' - office equipped with fax and modem.
Porty należy podzielić na 2 grupy:
Ports should be divided into two groups:
* porty do połączeń '''głosowych''' należy przypisać do '''Ruch wychodzący 1'''
* '''Outgoing rule 1''' should be assigned to ports for '''audio''' calls
* porty do transmisji danych -  - muszą korzystać '''wyłącznie''' z LiniiPOTS (FXO) - należy je przypisać do '''Ruch wychodzący 2'''
* '''Outgoing rule 2''' should be assigned to ports for data transmission - these ports should use '''only''' POTS Lines (FXO)
||'''Ruch wychodzący 1'''<br>[[File:LCR - IPO - FXO.png]]<br>'''Ruch wychodzący 2'''<br>[[File:ITS LCR FXO.png]]
||'''Outgoing rule 1'''<br>[[File:LCR-IPO-FXO-EN.PNG]]<br>'''Outgoing rule 2'''<br>[[File:LCR-FXO-EN.PNG]]
|4.||'''Dom dwurodzinny''' Rodzice+Dzieci.
|4.||'''Two families house''' Parents+Children.
Porty należy podzielić na 2 grupy:
Ports should be divided into two groups:
* porty Rodziców - porty przypisać do '''Ruch wychodzący 1''' - mają korzystać w pierwszej kolejności ze swojej linii VoIP w drugiej z linii POTS.
* Parents ports - '''Outgoing rule 1''' should be assigned to these ports - first IP Line, then POTS Line.
* porty Dzieci - muszą korzystać '''wyłącznie''' ze swojej Linii IP (IPO) - porty przypisać do '''Ruch wychodzący 2'''
* Children ports - '''Outgoing rule 2''' should be assigned to these ports - children should use '''only''' their IP Line (IPO)
* Połączenia alarmowe powinny być zawsze realizowane przez linię POTS, niezależnie czy numer wybierają dzieci czy rodzice.
* Alarm calls should established always using POTS Line, both for parents and children.
||'''Ruch wychodzący 1'''<br>[[File:LCR Rodzice.png]]<br>'''Ruch wychodzący 2'''<br>[[File:LCR Dzieci.png]]
||'''Outgoing rule 1'''<br>[[File:LCR-Parents-EN.PNG]]<br>'''Outgoing rule 2'''<br>[[File:LCR-Children-EN.PNG‎]]
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[[Slican_ITS |Back]]

Latest revision as of 10:49, 13 August 2010

Outgoing methods

ITS offers 3 methods of realizing outgoing calls:

  1. Outgoing via 0
  2. Generic - automatic outgoing,
  3. Manual selection of specified outgoing line(FXO or IPO)
Warning! Finishing number dialing should be always confirmed by pressing # (Hash)

Outgoing via zero

Starting from firmware version 1.01.1080 global option, which interprets as outgoing all numbers with zero, was added. Settings this option is available in pane Global options: Reaching public newtork by 0. Further steps should be the same as for option: Generic - automatic outgoing.

Generic - automatic outgoing

Warning! For this option: all digits dialed by user are transferred outside.
Pane Subscribers (FXS) or IP Subscribers (IPS) section Additional options

For every subscriber one of following outgoing option should be set:

Outgoing rule

For specified subscriber one of following outgoing rules can be assigned: Outgoing rule 1 or Outgoing rule 2,

Fixed assignment of specified outgoing line FXO or IPO

It means, that specified subscriber, independently on dialed number will be routed via assigned in configuration outgoing line.

Outgoing calls 1.PNG
Selection of outgoing calls scenario. By default: Outgoing rule 1

Outgoing rule - number dialing scenario

For specified subscribers one of two outgoing scenario can be set: Outgoing rule 1 or Outgoing rule 2

Configuration of scenario: Outgoing rule:

  1. Select pane: Outgoing rule 1 or Outgoing rule 2.
  2. Press E button to edit outgoing rule for all prefixes (field prefix - empty)
  3. Select field Exit 1 which defines line(s) to be used as first to establishing outgoing call. Similarly you should select fields Exit 2 and Exit 3 - parameters in these fields will be used if call cannot be established via line defined in Exit 1.
  4. For specified Exit dedicated line or All lines of any type can be select (FXO or IPO).
  5. Selection of option All FXO or IPO means, that trunks belong to specified type will be seized cyclically.
Outgoing calls 2.PNG
Scenario tables: Outgoing rule 1/2

Options All FXO's/All IPO's

  • Seizing lines for option All FXO's: Line 41->Line 42->Line 41 etc....seized cyclically. It can be also used if only one line is connected.
  • Seizing lines for option All IPO's: IPLine 51->IPLine 52->IPLine 53->IPLine 54->IPLine 55->IPLine 56->IPLine 51 etc....so next after lastly occupied.

Examples of configuration using Outgoing calls scenario

No Requirements/ Assumptions How to do it? Outgoing rule pane view
1. All outgoing calls are routed via outgoing lines in following order:
  1. IPLines (IPO)
  2. POTSLines (FXO)
2. All outgoing calls are routed as in example 1 except following calls:
  1. alarm
  2. free of charge
3. Office at home - office equipped with fax and modem.

Ports should be divided into two groups:

  • Outgoing rule 1 should be assigned to ports for audio calls
  • Outgoing rule 2 should be assigned to ports for data transmission - these ports should use only POTS Lines (FXO)
Outgoing rule 1
Outgoing rule 2
4. Two families house Parents+Children.

Ports should be divided into two groups:

  • Parents ports - Outgoing rule 1 should be assigned to these ports - first IP Line, then POTS Line.
  • Children ports - Outgoing rule 2 should be assigned to these ports - children should use only their IP Line (IPO)
  • Alarm calls should established always using POTS Line, both for parents and children.
Outgoing rule 1
Outgoing rule 2
